Unlike many poets, McGonagall’s personal life rarely found its way into the pages of his work. He never, for example, addressed any of his poems to his long-suffering wife. However, occasionally an event would happen that would trigger a “Gem” of its own…
- A New Year’s Resolution to Leave Dundee
- A Poet’s Complaint
- Farewell Address at the Argyle Hall, Tuesday, June 22, 1880
- Lines in Memoriam Regarding the Entertainment I Gave on the 31st March, 1893, in Reform Street Hall, Dundee
- Lines in Praise of the Arbroath Oddfellows
- Lines in Praise of the Lyric Club Banquet
- Lines in Praise of the University of St. Andrews Liberal Association Annual Dinner
- Lines in Protest to the Dundee Magistrates
- Lines in Reply to the Beautiful Poet who Welcomed News of McGonagall’s Departure from Dundee
- The Heatherblend Club Banquet